This library provides an implementation of the higher-order reduction strategy described in the paper: A Graph Cut Algorithm for Higher Order Markov Random Fields Alexander Fix, Artinan Gruber, Endre Boros, Ramin Zabih, ICCV 2011 The representation of higher-order energy functions, and the reduction to quadratic form are implemented in the file higher-order-energy.hpp Since the Fusion Move algorithm is a common use case for higher-order functions, the files fusion-move.hpp and clique.hpp are also provided to make it easy to set up a higher-order fusion move. Note that this is a HEADER ONLY LIBRARY, as all the classes are templates according to the type used for representing energy values, as well as the maximum size of a clique. An example of this library is provided in the example directory. This is a simple denoising algorithm, using a Field of Experts prior with blur-and-random proposals. This is one of the experiments described in the paper linked at the top of this readme. This example code requires the following prerequisites: -- A reasonably recent version of boost (tested with 1.48, but will likely work with much earlier versions). -- A copy of the QPBO code, available from Vladimir Kolmogorov's website at To compile the examples, you will need to download the file QPBO-v1.3.src.tar.gz and extract the contents into a directory named qpbo in the same directory as this README. The overall directory structure should look like ./ README.txt include/ clique.hpp fusion-move.hpp ... example/ higher-order-example.cpp ... qpbo/ block.h QPBO.h ... To compile and run this example, the following should work cd example make make test Copyright and license information are included in LICENSE.txt. This code is provided under the MIT license, but if for whatever reason this doesn't suit your needs, feel free to contact the author at