#raspbian IRC Log


IRC Log for 2013-04-22

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:02] * sujal (~quassel@brln-4dbadbda.pool.mediaWays.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[0:02] <plugwash> try
[0:02] <plugwash> apt-get remove --purge keyboard-configuration
[0:02] <plugwash> apt-get install keyboard-configuration
[0:02] <plugwash> dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
[0:03] <taza> BTW, plugwash, a question to ask you best.
[0:03] <taza> Is there an inbuilt linux way to check for a diff for the images?
[0:03] <taza> To check the validity of an image post-dd.
[0:03] <taza> I feel like I'm missing somethong horribly obvious
[0:04] <plugwash> Not that I can think of off the top of my head (that doesn't mean there isn't one of course)
[0:04] <taza> ... that is. I've dd'd an image to a device, the device and the image aren't of equal length, and I want to check if the image actually installed.
[0:05] <taza> I'm just installing the default to a spare, awful SD card, then bootstrapping off that for the latest install.
[0:05] * Frictor (~Frictor@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[0:05] <OliverJW> plugwash: Maybe I'm being stupid, I type in apt-get remove -purge keyboard-congifuration and it says E: Command line option 'p' [from purge] is not known
[0:06] <taza> plugwash: I think people would still appreciate a very minimal debian install image on the official Raspbian site.
[0:06] <plugwash> OliverJW, it's --purge not -purge
[0:07] <plugwash> taza, agreed I just have to find some time to work through the details
[0:07] * praest76 (~praest76@cpc9-nwrk4-2-0-cust162.12-1.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #raspbian
[0:07] <taza> Aite, 's fair.
[0:07] <plugwash> the way the foundation have done their kernel/firmware packaging is not helpful
[0:08] <taza> I'm currently doing said thing myself and I wager it'll take me two days to finish it. Though, I'm incredibly rusty when it comes to bootstrapping.
[0:09] * aidalgol (~user@pdpc/supporter/student/aidalgol) has joined #raspbian
[0:13] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ has joined #raspbian
[0:18] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[0:20] * darkbasic (~quassel@niko.linuxsystems.it) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[0:21] * darkbasic (~quassel@niko.linuxsystems.it) has joined #raspbian
[0:24] * shadeslayer (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[0:24] * dest4ever (~kvirc@unaffiliated/dest4ever) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[0:25] * Syliss (~Home@adsl-108-75-42-240.dsl.chi2ca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #raspbian
[0:30] * azeam (~azeam@unaffiliated/azeam) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[0:33] * Jonas_H (jonas@c-cd1071d5.011-30-73746f19.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[0:33] * blkhawk is now known as blkaway
[0:37] * azeam (~azeam@unaffiliated/azeam) has joined #raspbian
[0:41] * Jonas_H (jonas@c-cd1071d5.011-30-73746f19.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #raspbian
[0:47] * piney0 (~piney@unaffiliated/piney0) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[0:47] * piney0 (~piney@unaffiliated/piney0) has joined #raspbian
[0:50] * DaQatz (~DB@d-rev-bng-70-20-42-87.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[0:51] * DaQatz (~DB@d-rev-bng-70-20-47-104.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net) has joined #raspbian
[0:59] * satellit_e (~satellit@ has joined #raspbian
[1:07] * plugwash (~plugwash@2001:5c0:1400:a::80f) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:22] * jakeri (~gfgf@host-109-204-168-193.tp-fne.tampereenpuhelin.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[1:23] * jakeri (~gfgf@host-109-204-168-193.tp-fne.tampereenpuhelin.net) has joined #raspbian
[1:23] * zZz_Skelli (~Skelli@p5B3E430C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[1:24] * opieng (~opieng3@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[1:24] * zZz_Skelli (~Skelli@p5B3E40C0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #raspbian
[1:24] * zZz_Skelli is now known as Skelli
[1:30] * themill (~stuart@unaffiliated/themill) has joined #raspbian
[1:31] * OliverJW (~Oliver@94-192-128-116.zone6.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[1:40] * chandoo (~chandoo@ool-44c4d8d3.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[1:46] * jyp (~jyp@ has joined #raspbian
[2:14] * vagrantc (~vagrant@freegeek/vagrantc) has joined #raspbian
[2:15] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ has joined #raspbian
[2:20] * MobGod (~mobgod@ool-18b8d2cd.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #raspbian
[2:20] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[2:21] * MobGod is now known as Guest38341
[2:22] * qr445 (~paul@118-93-33-33.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) has joined #raspbian
[2:22] * Guest38341 is now known as MobGod
[2:23] * MobGod (~mobgod@ool-18b8d2cd.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Changing host)
[2:23] * MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) has joined #raspbian
[2:24] <qr445> Had a quick question regarding building a kernel for RPi from kernel archive source.
[2:24] <qr445> ^ To be fair, might not be quick. :)
[2:26] * meti (~meti@unaffiliated/meti) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2:30] * meti (~meti@unaffiliated/meti) has joined #raspbian
[2:38] * qr445 (~paul@118-93-33-33.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) Quit (Quit: leaving)
[2:41] * leggazoid (4b8972b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #raspbian
[2:44] * leggazoid (4b8972b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit)
[2:47] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ has joined #raspbian
[2:47] * jyp (~jyp@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:52] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[2:53] * \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@adsl-98-89-8-205.mgm.bellsouth.net) Quit ()
[2:53] * MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[2:55] * \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@adsl-98-89-8-205.mgm.bellsouth.net) has joined #raspbian
[3:04] * MobGod (~mobgod@ool-18b8d2cd.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #raspbian
[3:04] * MobGod (~mobgod@ool-18b8d2cd.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Changing host)
[3:04] * MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) has joined #raspbian
[3:18] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ has joined #raspbian
[3:20] * MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[3:23] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[3:42] * Shaan7 (~quassel@kde/shantanu) has joined #raspbian
[3:59] * satellit_e (~satellit@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[4:06] * linlin (will@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[4:06] * linlin (will@ Quit (Excess Flood)
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[4:21] * taza (~zap@unaffiliated/taza) Quit (Quit: No longer here)
[4:28] * Shaan7 (~quassel@kde/shantanu) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[4:37] * bizarro_1 (~bizarro_1@56.Red-193-152-190.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[4:56] * azeem_ (~mbanck@ppp-188-174-176-5.dynamic.mnet-online.de) has joined #raspbian
[5:00] * mike_t (~mike@pluto.dd.vaz.ru) has joined #raspbian
[5:00] * azeem (~mbanck@ppp-188-174-116-26.dynamic.mnet-online.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[5:31] * vagrantc (~vagrant@freegeek/vagrantc) Quit (Quit: leaving)
[5:33] * efixit (~Icedove@zux221-094-102.adsl.green.ch) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[5:33] * Kirotan (~Kirotan@24-247-14-92.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[5:34] * efixit (~Icedove@zux221-211-240.adsl.green.ch) has joined #raspbian
[6:26] <ParkerR> linlin, If you are using ZNC < 1.0 you can set maxjoins to 1 to prcent the excess flood spam
[6:26] * efixit (~Icedove@zux221-211-240.adsl.green.ch) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[6:27] * efixit (~Icedove@zux221-134-134.adsl.green.ch) has joined #raspbian
[6:31] * ReggieUK (ReggieUK@ Quit ()
[6:33] * kiro|slate (~portakiro@24-247-14-92.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) has joined #raspbian
[6:38] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) has joined #raspbian
[6:52] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) Quit (Quit: I just broke my connection, but no worries, we can rebuild it. We have the technology.)
[6:58] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) has joined #raspbian
[7:01] * gabor (5665b0f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #raspbian
[7:03] * gabor (5665b0f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit)
[7:04] * ni291187 (~u931732@77-58-0-19.dclient.hispeed.ch) has joined #raspbian
[7:13] * linlin (will@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[7:14] * linlin (will@ Quit (Excess Flood)
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[7:14] * linlin (will@ Quit (Excess Flood)
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[7:24] * ni291187 (~u931732@77-58-0-19.dclient.hispeed.ch) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[7:25] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) Quit (Quit: I just broke my connection, but no worries, we can rebuild it. We have the technology.)
[7:28] * gabor (5665b0f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #raspbian
[7:29] <gabor> hi! can anyone compile an "http://pub.freerdp.com/releases/freerdp-1.1.0-beta1.tar.gz"? :(
[7:30] <gabor> I could not complie it.
[7:30] <gabor> I could not compile it.
[7:33] <gabor> "Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND)
[7:33] <gabor> "Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND)"
[7:33] <gabor> where can I find the threads package?
[7:34] * hsp (~holgi@77-20-196-120-dynip.superkabel.de) has joined #raspbian
[7:34] * \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@adsl-98-89-8-205.mgm.bellsouth.net) Quit ()
[7:42] * Martin89 (~martin89@2001:41d0:1:b6bb::3) Quit (Excess Flood)
[7:43] * Martin89 (~martin89@2001:41d0:1:b6bb::3) has joined #raspbian
[7:48] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ has joined #raspbian
[7:55] * idstam (~johan@c-1b7172d5.027-359-73746f23.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #raspbian
[8:10] * PasNox (~PasNox@beg33-4-78-237-93-55.fbx.proxad.net) has joined #raspbian
[8:16] <hrebicek> gabor: sudo apt-get --print-uris build-dep freerdp
[8:16] <hrebicek> Reading package lists... Done
[8:16] <hrebicek> Building dependency tree
[8:16] <hrebicek> Reading state information... Done
[8:16] <hrebicek> The following NEW packages will be installed:
[8:16] <hrebicek> autotools-dev cmake cmake-data comerr-dev docbook-xml docbook-xsl emacsen-common krb5-multidev libarchive12 libasound2-dev libavahi-client-dev libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common-dev libavahi-common3 libavcodec-dev libavcodec53 libavutil-dev
[8:16] <hrebicek> libavutil51 libcups2 libcups2-dev libcurl3-gnutls libdbus-1-dev libdirac-encoder0 libelf1 libgcrypt11-dev libglib2.0-bin libglib2.0-dev libgnutls-dev libgnutls-openssl27 libgnutlsxx27 libgpg-error-dev libgsm1 libgssrpc4 libkadm5clnt-mit8 libkadm5srv-mit8 libkdb5-6
[8:16] <hrebicek> libkrb5-dev libmp3lame0 libnettle4 libopenjpeg2 liborc-0.4-0 libp11-kit-dev libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 libpcsclite-dev libpthread-stubs0 libpthread-stubs0-dev libpulse-dev libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libschroedinger-1.0-0 libspeex1 libssl-dev libtasn1-3-dev libtheora0
[8:16] <hrebicek> libva1 libvpx1 libx11-dev libx264-123 libxau-dev libxcb1-dev libxcursor-dev libxcursor1 libxdamage-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxinerama-dev libxkbfile-dev libxkbfile1 libxml2-utils libxmlrpc-core-c3 libxrender-dev libxslt1.1 libxv-dev libxvidcore4
[8:16] <hrebicek> sgml-data x11proto-core-dev x11proto-damage-dev x11proto-fixes-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev x11proto-render-dev x11proto-video-dev x11proto-xext-dev x11proto-xinerama-dev xmlto xorg-sgml-doctools xsltproc xtrans-dev
[8:16] <hrebicek> 0 upgraded, 90 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[8:16] <hrebicek> Need to get 29.3 MB of archives.
[8:16] <hrebicek> After this operation, 86.0 MB of additional disk space will be used.
[8:16] <hrebicek> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? n\
[8:18] <hrebicek> gabor: only 90 packages are needed to build a .deb
[8:20] * \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@adsl-98-89-16-147.mgm.bellsouth.net) has joined #raspbian
[8:21] * Hexxeh (uid1532@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-enymwwvouvywgilb) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[8:25] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) has joined #raspbian
[8:31] * Hexxeh (uid1532@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aubvqshlrtwjqkvx) has joined #raspbian
[8:34] <gabor> hrebicek: I installed the packages, but the compile is failed.
[8:37] <gabor> hrebicek: the debug output: http://pastebin.com/JrZfNd00
[8:38] * opieng (~opieng3@ has joined #raspbian
[8:45] * Syliss (~Home@adsl-108-75-42-240.dsl.chi2ca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Syliss)
[8:47] * LippyLee (~LippyLee@bb219-74-118-15.singnet.com.sg) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[8:49] * LippyLee (~LippyLee@bb119-74-81-238.singnet.com.sg) has joined #raspbian
[8:55] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) Quit (Quit: I just broke my connection, but no worries, we can rebuild it. We have the technology.)
[9:00] * \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@adsl-98-89-16-147.mgm.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: sigh)
[9:12] * themill (~stuart@unaffiliated/themill) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[9:13] * wiiguy (~fake@unaffiliated/wiiguy) has joined #raspbian
[9:22] * MobGod (~mobgod@ool-18b8d2cd.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #raspbian
[9:22] * MobGod (~mobgod@ool-18b8d2cd.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Changing host)
[9:22] * MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) has joined #raspbian
[9:26] * shadeslayer (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer) has joined #raspbian
[9:26] * shadeslayer (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[9:27] * blkaway is now known as blkhawk
[9:31] * Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
[9:33] <gordonDrogon> Hm. I need to work out how to build .deb's at some point ...
[9:33] <gordonDrogon> one of these days...
[9:33] <adama> i have a dream
[9:34] <adama> that one day we'll live in a world where people know where not to use apostrophes
[9:34] <adama> :'<
[9:34] <adama> (hint: it's on plurals)
[9:34] * shadeslayer (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer) has joined #raspbian
[9:34] <gordonDrogon> sorry - are you talking to me?
[9:34] <adama> (yes, even if the word seems a bit 'complicated')
[9:34] <adama> no, i'm complaining about you
[9:34] <gordonDrogon> then you can fuck right off because I don't give a toss.
[9:34] <adama> nice ignorant attitude
[9:35] <adama> this is why a significant percentage of the UK population is totally unemployable
[9:35] <gordonDrogon> I'm also quite dyslexic too, so I take the view that you're discriminating agaisnt my disability.
[9:35] <adama> hahahahaha
[9:35] <adama> bollocks
[9:35] <adama> misusing punctuation has nothing to do with dyslexia
[9:36] <adama> but don't worry
[9:36] <gordonDrogon> having problems with your spelling there?
[9:36] <gordonDrogon> if you cant spell then why cricitice on apostrophys?
[9:36] * robmozart (~robmozart@ti0125a380-0578.bb.online.no) has joined #raspbian
[9:37] <adama> what?
[9:37] <gordonDrogon> <adama> misusing punctuation has nothing to do with dyslexia
[9:37] <adama> and?
[9:37] <gordonDrogon> and. oh cock. I obviously misread that. bother.
[9:37] <adama> yes
[9:38] <gordonDrogon> see - told you I was dylexic.
[9:38] <gordonDrogon> as for employability... I think you'll find that I'm eminently employable, although I have the luxury of choosing who I want to work for.
[9:39] <adama> i'm not sure if 'although' is the word you were looking for
[9:39] <gordonDrogon> and all grammar nazis like you do is irritate the pants off folk like me.
[9:39] * hrebicek_ (hrebicek__@nat/redhat/x-toxpsipukyyptbhg) has joined #raspbian
[9:40] <gordonDrogon> so if the best you can do is criticise punctuation than actually contribute then welcome to my ignore list.
[9:40] <adama> what, ignorant people who think the correct response to being incorrect is hostility?
[9:40] * hrebicek_ is now known as hrebicek_wfh
[9:40] <adama> not if sure i care what that particular class of people think
[9:47] <Kevel> haha adama, gordonDrogon
[9:47] <Kevel> ... has nothing to do with dyslexia
[9:48] <Kevel> gordonDrogon: using it where u did is incorrect
[9:48] <Kevel> however, cba, whats the big deal
[9:50] <adama> Kevel: because similar errors cause the vast majority of network & systems outages and software bugs
[9:51] * monkeycoder (~monkeycod@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[9:52] <adama> a misplaced apostrophe like that in a cv is an insta-bin
[9:52] <adama> such things are important, the belief that they aren't is a plague
[9:52] <Kevel> punctuation in general is important
[9:53] <adama> indeed, but not just punctuation
[9:53] <adama> taking care over typed things in general
[9:53] * \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@adsl-98-89-1-179.mgm.bellsouth.net) has joined #raspbian
[9:53] <adama> there's a good example i use to demonstrate the importance of not making errors to new engineers
[9:53] <adama> "no ip router isis"
[9:53] <adama> disables a feature on a single interface on a router
[9:53] <adama> "no router isis"
[9:54] <adama> will pretty much shut down the device
[9:54] <adama> rendering it unreachable
[9:58] <Kevel> thats quite silly
[9:58] <Kevel> are u targetting the developer or the user?
[9:59] <Kevel> because the developer shouldnt create an interface that can easily cause a stuff up
[9:59] <Kevel> with somewhat close matching command sets
[10:01] <adama> well, that particular case is a >15 year old cisco thing
[10:02] <adama> there are a few other irritations like that in cisco's cli
[10:03] <adama> if you have a list of allowed vlans, you use "vlan allowed add <vlan>" to add to the list
[10:03] <adama> if you miss out "add", it wipes the existing vlans
[10:03] * MobGod (~mobgod@unaffiliated/mobgod) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[10:03] <adama> probably rendering the device unreachable
[10:03] <adama> this stuff is what causes something around 75% of network outages :)
[10:21] * robmozart (~robmozart@ti0125a380-0578.bb.online.no) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:23] * PhotoJim (~Jim@devonport.ip4.photojim.ca) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[10:30] * AD-N770 (~jep@ has joined #raspbian
[10:36] * neerow (bc7155cc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #raspbian
[10:37] <neerow> Hi! I'm doing a project right now. Trying to install Debian-Edu on Raspberry PI, but i need som help solving the problem. is there anybody in here that could help me out with this?
[10:40] <Wiaf> morning
[10:40] <Wiaf> neerow: what exactly is your question?
[10:42] <neerow> I would like to install debian-edu(skolelinux) on raspberry pi, and i need help making an image that is supported.
[10:43] * LippyLee (~LippyLee@bb119-74-81-238.singnet.com.sg) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:43] <azeem_> can't you just install the debian-edu metapackages from Raspbian?
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[10:49] <neerow> azeem what do you mean? i'm not that experienced on linux.
[10:51] <adama> neerow: you need to install raspbian, and then install the relevant packages on that
[10:51] <adama> assuming they have been cross-compiled by raspbian
[10:51] <adama> they may not have been
[10:51] <neerow> hmm..
[10:51] <adama> well, raspbian doesn't cross-compile, but i know what i meant :)
[10:52] <neerow> so there is no way that i can arm-port the debian edu?
[10:52] <adama> not unless you have a lot of time, a lot of knowledge and a lot of hardware
[10:52] <neerow> i see
[10:52] <neerow> no i dont have that much time
[10:53] <neerow> but i though it was easier to arm-port the debian-edu so that i could use it on the pi
[10:53] <neerow> i saw this tutorial: http://www.debian.org/ports/arm/#about
[10:55] <neerow> but since there is noe Arm version of debian-edu. You are saying is really hard to do it? and that i should go for raspian pi and the download the nessasary packages?
[10:55] <gnarface> there isn't an arm version neerow ? did you verify that?
[10:56] <gnarface> neerow: (you would verify with something like: apt-get update && apt-cache search ^debian-edu
[10:56] <gnarface> )
[10:56] <neerow> i cant find it on their webpage. the regular debian version has an arm version, but not debian-edu
[10:56] <azeem_> debian-edu is a blend, AFAIK there's no obvious difference
[10:56] <gnarface> on whose webpage?
[10:57] <azeem_> neerow: you should ask in the #debian-edu channel (likely on OFTC) how to install it on Debian wheezy
[10:57] * azeem_ assumes there is a way without running the installer
[10:57] <gnarface> azeem_: that's bad advice because they'll get mad when they find out he's actually on raspbian
[10:57] <gnarface> azeem_: and they'll refuse to help
[10:57] <neerow> hehe
[10:57] <azeem_> orly
[10:58] <azeem_> raspbian is the new ubuntu
[10:58] <gnarface> its not specific to ubuntu; they just don't want to support someone else's distro.
[10:58] <azeem_> note I said "how to install it on Debian wheezy" , not Raspbian
[10:58] <azeem_> but I see your point
[10:59] <gnarface> are we sure there's not a package already though?
[10:59] <azeem_> there's debian-edu-config
[10:59] <azeem_> no idea what it does
[10:59] <azeem_> (on an installed wheezy system/raspbian)
[10:59] <azeem_> I mean, it's in the Debian archive, didn't check raspbian
[11:00] <neerow> what?
[11:00] <azeem_> pi@raspberrypi ~ $ apt-cache search debian-edu | grep ^debian-edu | wc -l
[11:00] <azeem_> 11
[11:01] <gnarface> azeem_: so there *are* raspian packages fo rit?
[11:01] <gnarface> *for it*
[11:01] <azeem_> they are Arch: all
[11:01] <gnarface> neerow: i suggest you try the command i suggested
[11:01] <azeem_> the question is whether anything is missing which is required for it to work like a regular debian-edu system, which I don't know
[11:01] <azeem_> still easier than making your own Arm-distro
[11:02] <adama> neerow: regular debian arm isn't suitable for the rpi either
[11:02] <adama> so even if debian-edu had one, it wouldn't be suitable :)
[11:02] <adama> if those packages aren't there, you could try asking for them to be compiled
[11:03] <neerow> i see. so there is no point?? i need to go around then.
[11:03] <adama> plugwash isn't here?
[11:03] <azeem_> did somebody make sure the debian-edu and related packages in raspbian are not enough?
[11:03] <azeem_> this looks like handwaiving to me
[11:04] <adama> azeem_: i have no idea what packages there are
[11:04] <gnarface> basically here's what i see. i see someone asking for help but ignoring it when given.
[11:04] <adama> surely this is an exercise for the user :)
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[11:07] <neerow> im really new at this, that why
[11:07] <neerow> im the the debian-edu channel aswell right now
[11:09] <adama> install raspbian
[11:09] <adama> try to install the debian-edu meta packages
[11:09] <azeem_> neerow: don't bugger them with raspbian issues
[11:09] <adama> you mean bug
[11:09] <gnarface> neerow: well, assuming the proper packages *are* already on raspbian (which i'm certain is the case now) you don't need to port anything and can just install them the same way you install any other package on a debian-derivative linux distro....
[11:09] <adama> buggering is altogether different
[11:09] <azeem_> probably
[11:09] <adama> :D
[11:09] <azeem_> I fixed an RC bug until 4 AM
[11:11] <neerow> i will try it out;) that allot for the help for now.
[11:13] <neerow> thanks*
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[11:57] <Wiaf> anyone have a clue why the hell i get this on "apt-get upgrade" : http://tny.cz/db7b074d ?
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[11:58] <adeus> looks like a bug in insserv init script
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[11:59] <Wiaf> ill rm the s095 and k095 noip2 scripts
[11:59] <Wiaf> and see if that helps
[11:59] <Wiaf> my noip2 doesnt startup on boot anyways. the script must be buged
[12:00] <Wiaf> thanks adeus
[12:01] <adeus> I've had all kinds of issues with those
[12:01] <adeus> I'm not all that familiar with insserv
[12:02] * bzyx (~quassel@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[12:02] <Wiaf> its noip2 not insserv
[12:02] <Wiaf> i man the noip2 makes insserv react like that
[12:02] <adeus> yeah but insserv is the one complaining about
[12:02] <adeus> about the script in noip2
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[16:41] <bluebie> heya!
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[16:44] <bluebie> I'm trying to figure out an issue with transmission-daemon. It's stopped starting correctly. I've tried removing and reinstalling the package, and also tried resetting it's settings.json file to the defaults, so I'm looking for help finding some debugging information
[16:44] <bluebie> currently the only error text I get is "[warn] Starting bittorrent daemon: transmission-daemon (warning)." when trying to start the service - there are no messages before or after that and nothing in dmesg
[16:45] <bluebie> is there somewhere else I could look, or a more verbose mode of service starting perhaps?
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[16:50] <lordievader> Good afternoon
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These logs were automatically created by RaspbianLogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.