#raspbian IRC Log


IRC Log for 2022-05-21

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:01] * emmanuelux (~emmanuelu@freenode-j6fi45.hrq5.m6jo.c5chqd.IP) has joined #raspbian
[1:43] * beggarman_ (~beggarman@freenode-05t.lim.8l5a1v.IP) Quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
[1:44] * beggarman (~beggarman@freenode-05t.lim.8l5a1v.IP) has joined #raspbian
[2:01] * alphaspi_ (~alphad@freenode-hj7.4dn.itum23.IP) has joined #raspbian
[2:01] * alphaspi_ (~alphad@freenode-hj7.4dn.itum23.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[7:41] * ravustaj1 (~ravustaja@freenode-kjr.4kv.g25f67.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:43] * ravustaja (~ravustaja@freenode-jg1.tfm.giiins.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:43] * ravustaj1 is now known as ravustaja
[12:05] * XSoul (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[13:10] * XSoul (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) has joined #raspbian
[14:01] * XSoul (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[14:15] * XSoul (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) has joined #raspbian
[15:21] * XSoul (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[15:21] * eXcept (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) has joined #raspbian
[15:30] * XSoul (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) has joined #raspbian
[15:30] * eXcept (~XRule@freenode-1eu.tvh.55dnv4.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[18:12] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-371.c02.d1s87k.IP) has joined #raspbian
[19:01] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-371.c02.d1s87k.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[19:01] * _leo92_ (~emmanuelu@freenode-b2a.juu.k8f57b.IP) has joined #raspbian
[19:01] * _leo92_ (~emmanuelu@freenode-b2a.juu.k8f57b.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[19:04] * emmanuelux (~emmanuelu@freenode-j6fi45.hrq5.m6jo.c5chqd.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[19:14] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[19:57] * alphad (~alphad@freenode-hj7.4dn.itum23.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[20:05] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[20:19] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-1ct.lnc.1vqsjp.IP) has joined #raspbian
[20:35] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-1ct.lnc.1vqsjp.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[20:47] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[20:55] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[21:10] * FLX (~Jens@freenode-gip.jkk.vs9qrf.IP) has joined #raspbian
[21:10] <FLX> hi
[21:11] <FLX> I'm planning to reinstall an OS on my Raspberry 4. I want to view TV with KODI and sometimes surf the web with Firefox. Which distribution should I load and install?
[22:39] * FLX (~Jens@freenode-gip.jkk.vs9qrf.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:26] * alphad (~alphad@freenode-akd.5if.55qde2.IP) has joined #raspbian

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