#raspbian IRC Log


IRC Log for 2022-09-19

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:06] * heroux (sandroco@freenode-bhq.ai6.bn841o.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[0:09] * heroux (~heroux@freenode-bhq.ai6.bn841o.IP) has joined #raspbian
[0:54] * azizLIGHT (~azizLIGHT@freenode-efa.qn8.l51jgg.IP) has joined #raspbian
[4:10] * SoulsForBelial (~SoulsForB@freenode-diel5l.4lfl.hoqe.874vm3.IP) has joined #raspbian
[4:12] * SoulsForBelial_ (~SoulsForB@freenode-ond.ftl.56sa6l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:11] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:36] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[11:05] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[11:12] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[12:27] * pelle2_ (~palle@freenode-0je.hd6.3hjvsj.IP) has joined #raspbian
[12:29] * pelle2_ (~palle@freenode-0je.hd6.3hjvsj.IP) Quit (Quit: leaving)
[14:29] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[14:34] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[15:38] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[15:44] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[18:05] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[18:09] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[18:34] * heroux (~heroux@freenode-bhq.ai6.bn841o.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[18:35] * heroux (sandroco@freenode-bhq.ai6.bn841o.IP) has joined #raspbian
[18:59] * godoBR (~godo@freenode-uu0.p9t.vvgabg.IP) has joined #raspbian
[19:02] <godoBR> Hello! I need help with Bluetooth. Can someone help me?
[19:10] * godoBR (~godo@freenode-uu0.p9t.vvgabg.IP) has left #raspbian
[20:19] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) has joined #raspbian
[20:30] * kraiskil (~kraiskil@freenode-2lq.rlq.isjs1l.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

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