#raspbian IRC Log


IRC Log for 2022-10-20

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:41] * Axy (~Mia@freenode-gub.fh6.06vrsb.IP) has joined #raspbian
[0:44] * Mia (~Mia@freenode-gub.fh6.06vrsb.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[0:46] * Axy (~Mia@freenode-gub.fh6.06vrsb.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[0:46] * Mia (~Mia@freenode-gub.fh6.06vrsb.IP) has joined #raspbian
[1:27] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-rl5q54.t48r.8sns.t1mehc.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[1:50] * \\Mr_C\\ (~mrc@freenode/user/--Mr-C--x-290089475d84dd81) Quit (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by beer, You Phuq With Me, You Phuq With The B0rg.0rg))
[4:09] * SoulsForBelial (~SoulsForB@freenode-3v1ug9.qn3p.tetg.874vm3.IP) has joined #raspbian
[4:11] * SoulsForBelial_ (~SoulsForB@freenode-955.lpl.uvqvbu.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[6:02] * ahadzi (~pi@freenode-idp.g9r.2gfub3.IP) has joined #raspbian
[6:34] * alphaspi_ (~alphad@freenode-gen.5if.55qde2.IP) has joined #raspbian
[6:36] * alphaspi_ (~alphad@freenode-gen.5if.55qde2.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[6:36] * alphaspi_ (~alphad@freenode-gen.5if.55qde2.IP) has joined #raspbian
[6:36] * alphad (~alphad@freenode-gen.5if.55qde2.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[6:38] * Guest2837 (~devster@freenode-hgf.388.oh41jp.IP) Quit (Quit: Giving up is easy)
[6:42] * devster31 (~devster@freenode-hgf.388.oh41jp.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:10] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:11] * Algotech is now known as Guest30626
[7:11] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:12] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:13] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:14] * Algotech is now known as Guest24307
[7:15] * Guest30626 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:16] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:16] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:16] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:17] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:17] * orbina (~orbina@joseon/user/orbina) has joined #raspbian
[7:17] * Algotech is now known as Guest25504
[7:17] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:18] * Guest24307 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:19] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:20] * Algotech is now known as Guest6774
[7:20] * Guest25504 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:21] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:21] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:22] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:22] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:22] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:22] * Algotech is now known as Guest28290
[7:24] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:24] * Guest6774 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:25] * Algotech is now known as Guest565
[7:25] * Guest28290 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:26] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:26] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:27] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:27] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:27] * Algotech is now known as Guest55325
[7:28] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:28] * Guest565 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:29] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:30] * Algotech is now known as Guest61671
[7:30] * Guest55325 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:31] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:32] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:32] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:32] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:33] * Algotech is now known as Guest31636
[7:33] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:34] * Guest61671 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:36] * Guest31636 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:36] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:36] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:37] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:37] * Algotech is now known as Guest55855
[7:38] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:39] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:39] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[7:40] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:41] * Algotech is now known as Guest43140
[7:41] * Guest55855 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:42] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:42] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:42] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:43] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:44] * Algotech is now known as Guest59719
[7:44] * Guest43140 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:46] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:46] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:46] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[7:46] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:46] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:47] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[7:48] * Guest59719 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:48] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:48] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:50] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:51] * Algotech is now known as Guest564
[7:52] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:52] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:53] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:53] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:53] * Algotech is now known as Guest33929
[7:53] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:54] * Guest564 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:56] * Guest33929 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:57] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[7:57] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[7:57] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:58] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:59] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:00] * Algotech is now known as Guest62836
[8:01] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:01] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:02] * Algotech is now known as Guest52398
[8:02] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:02] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:03] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:03] * Guest62836 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:04] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:05] * Algotech is now known as Guest42128
[8:06] * Guest52398 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:07] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:07] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:07] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:07] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:08] * Algotech is now known as Guest42120
[8:08] * Guest42128 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:08] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:10] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:11] * Algotech is now known as Guest23792
[8:11] * Guest42120 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:12] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:12] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:12] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:13] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:13] * Algotech is now known as Guest47824
[8:13] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:14] * Guest23792 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:16] * Guest47824 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:17] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:17] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:18] * Algotech is now known as Guest37843
[8:19] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:20] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:21] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:22] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:23] * Guest37843 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:23] * Algotech is now known as Guest17237
[8:25] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:25] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:25] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:25] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[8:25] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:26] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:26] * Guest17237 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:27] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:28] * Algotech is now known as Guest42271
[8:30] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:30] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:30] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:31] * Algotech is now known as Guest25099
[8:31] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:31] * Guest42271 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:35] * Guest25099 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:35] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:37] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:38] * Algotech is now known as Guest15686
[8:38] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:40] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:41] * Guest15686 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:42] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:43] * Algotech is now known as Guest50091
[8:43] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:44] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:46] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:47] * Algotech is now known as Guest46805
[8:47] * Guest50091 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:47] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:48] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:48] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:49] * Algotech is now known as Guest54057
[8:49] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:49] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:51] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:51] * Guest46805 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:52] * Guest54057 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:52] * Algotech is now known as Guest60408
[8:52] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:53] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:54] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:55] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:56] * Guest60408 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:56] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:57] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:57] * Algotech is now known as Guest39841
[8:57] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:58] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:59] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[8:59] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[8:59] * Algotech is now known as Guest41415
[9:00] * Guest39841 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:01] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:01] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:03] * Guest41415 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:04] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:05] * Algotech is now known as Guest9823
[9:05] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:06] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:07] * Algotech is now known as Guest43513
[9:07] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:07] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:07] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:08] * Guest9823 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:09] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:10] * Algotech is now known as Guest28919
[9:10] * Guest43513 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:11] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:11] * Algotech (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:12] * Algotech75 (~algotech@freenode-j94.fqb.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[9:12] * Algotech13 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) has joined #raspbian
[9:12] * Algotech is now known as Guest54505
[9:14] * Guest28919 (~algotech@freenode-h6i.287.7ioqth.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
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[22:16] <\\Mr-C\\> * skraito-0x71 let's go all to channel #0x71 let me teach you all thing
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These logs were automatically created by RaspbianLogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.