#raspbian IRC Log


IRC Log for 2022-11-21

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:09] * ghormoon (~ghormoon@freenode-i28bor.0idm.hb51.4vmqrs.IP) Quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
[0:10] * ghormoon (~ghormoon@freenode-5o7.fo2.pb24v7.IP) has joined #raspbian
[2:24] * \\Mr_C\\ (~mrc@freenode/user/--Mr-C--x-290089475d84dd81) Quit (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by beer, You Phuq With Me, You Phuq With The B0rg.0rg))
[4:02] * ahadzi (~pi@freenode-n81.sds.2gfub3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[5:09] * SoulsForBelial (~SoulsForB@freenode-8bd.un0.uvqvbu.IP) has joined #raspbian
[5:11] * SoulsForBelial_ (~SoulsForB@freenode-ue1.lpl.uvqvbu.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[6:51] * orbina (~orbina@joseon/user/orbina) has joined #raspbian
[11:11] * \\Mr_C\\ (~mrc@freenode/user/--Mr-C--x-290089475d84dd81) has joined #raspbian
[15:26] * ahadzi (~pi@freenode-n81.sds.2gfub3.IP) has joined #raspbian
[18:30] * web-75 (~web-75@freenode-1n6.nf5.63h75c.IP) has joined #raspbian
[18:35] <web-75> rasberry
[18:36] <web-75> une rassberry sur une arduino
[18:36] <web-75> le cerveau sur les membre
[18:39] <web-75> pk
[18:39] <web-75> j me barre
[18:40] * web-75 (~web-75@freenode-1n6.nf5.63h75c.IP) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[19:53] * \\Mr_C\\ (~mrc@freenode/user/--Mr-C--x-290089475d84dd81) Quit (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by beer, You Phuq With Me, You Phuq With The B0rg.0rg))
[22:55] * orbina (~orbina@joseon/user/orbina) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)

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