#raspbian IRC Log


IRC Log for 2023-02-01

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:39] * hanfm1 (~Thunderbi@freenode-bkd.qvf.osdsuk.IP) has joined #raspbian
[0:41] * hanfm (~Thunderbi@freenode-bkd.qvf.osdsuk.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[0:43] * hanfm1 (~Thunderbi@freenode-bkd.qvf.osdsuk.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[5:03] * SoulsForBelial_ (~SoulsForB@freenode-pp5of6.u4d8.kkgr.874vm3.IP) has joined #raspbian
[5:04] * SoulsForBelial (~SoulsForB@freenode-apqc06.03ve.k5cq.874vm3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[5:32] * firewall (firewall@freenode-1eqd8j.85it.59r0.59jtia.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:25] * firewall (firewall@freenode-1eqd8j.85it.59r0.59jtia.IP) Quit (Quit: IRCNow and Forever!)
[7:48] * firewall (firewall@freenode-1eqd8j.85it.59r0.59jtia.IP) has joined #raspbian
[7:49] * firewall (firewall@freenode-1eqd8j.85it.59r0.59jtia.IP) Quit (Changing host)
[7:49] * firewall (firewall@freenode/user/firewall) has joined #raspbian
[10:19] * ravustaj1 (~ravustaja@freenode-9gb.2po.1l41o2.IP) has joined #raspbian
[10:22] * ravustaja (~ravustaja@freenode-lci.8ru.udg1es.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[10:22] * ravustaj1 is now known as ravustaja

These logs were automatically created by RaspbianLogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.